Tatcha Lip Mask Review & Jordan Knight Pop-Lockin’

Picture it: 1999. The world just might be ending in Y2K mayhem. Then, the clouds part and Interscope Records gives us a Jordan Knight comeback. Not all (or any) of my friends were excited, but I was glued to the TV screen as my man, turned the local county fair out. I immediately began working on a choreo routine to teach my friends. It wasn’t until I re-watched the video (solely for the purpose of this blog, ofc) that I realized “Give It to You” recreated the beloved end scene of “Grease”. Sandy in hot pants/the dork is actually a smoke show—realness. Be still, my boy-band-loving heart.

OK to be honest, the Sno Cone thing works just fine. I needed a segue to get us to Tatcha’s The Kissu Lip Mask in Wisteria ($29). I am constantly looking for a product that hydrates and delivers subtle color and shine (but not too much shine). Technically it’s a lip mask yes—and the jelly-cream texture is out of this world—but the glossy color is too pretty to just use at bedtime (imo). It’s a magnificent purply shade with blue undertones that I feel would work on many skin tones. If you’re not feeling it, the Original shade is a super-soft pink that is definitely universal.